Diameters in DN or in NPS

From within the industrial market we find these two systems to size the diameters for pipes, tubes, valve connections and other devices:

  • Nominal pipe size (NPS) , defined by the American standard ANSI / ASME is based on inches .
  • Nominal diameter (DN) , defined by the European standard ISO 6708 is based on millimeters .

We know that to determine the conversion operation from one value to another, we should only perform a simple simple mathematical formula (the value of a inch is 25.4 millimeters and that of 1 millimeter 0.0393701 inches); however we could not apply it to determine these values ​​because each system uses a commercial measure that does not correspond with the real value of the outside diameter of the pipe but with the inside of it. We observe a difference of 0.4 millimeters in the value DN 25 while in larger sizes the difference is even greater , for example: 120 inches is actually 3048 millimeters, 48 ​​millimeters more than the DN 3000 value.

In order to make things easier for you, you have below a conversion table so that you can determine the equivalent value of each measure .

     DN (Diameter Nominal) Milimeters NPS (Nominal Pipe Size) Inches
6 1/8
8 1/4
10 3/8
15 1/2
20 3/4
25 1
32 1 1/4
40 1 1/2
50 2
65 2 1/2
80 3
90 3 1/2
100 4
115 4 1/2
125 5
150 6
200 8
250 10
300 12
350 14
400 16
450 18
500 20
600 24
700 29
800 32
900 36
1000 40
1050 42
1100 44
1200 48
1300 52
1400 56
1500 60
1600 64
1700 68
1800 72
1900 76
2000 80
2200 88
2400 96
2600 104
2800 112
3000 120
3200 128
3400 134
3600 142
3800 150