BWT Besttaste 10, 15, 20 | 10 000 L - 60 000 L | Activated carbon for taste improvement

Size: 20 | 125252022 | 60 000 L
Sale price€91,96
€0,00 / l


The combiner

  • Activated carbon filter system with integrated high-performance prefiltration
  • Particularly well suited to mains water containing heavy concentrations of solids and where demand for water is high
  • Perfect for optimising water for use in the gastronomy
  • Removal of solids, off-flavour substances and chlorine from the mains water
  • Can be used with mains water with low carbonate hardness (calcium content)
  • Easy to install using universal BWT besthead FLEX connection technology
  • High sensory grade of filtrate

Product details

Clear, pleasant-tasting water is essential in the gastronomy and vending sectors. Even if the local mains water contains low levels of calcium or minerals, professionally calibrated water optimisation is both required and essential for filtering out solids and removing any extraneous odours and tastes.

BWT besttaste filter cartridges with integrated prefiltration provide top-quality water for vending and coffee machines and the many other services in the hospitality industry. Solids and unwanted contaminants and odours are eliminated efficiently, guaranteeing perfect-tasting hot drinks and a high level of protection for all the equipment and appliances in soft water areas.

BWT besttaste 20 filter cartridges with integrated pre-​filtration are ideally suited for pre-​filtration upstream of BWT bestaqua ROC reverse osmosis systems.

Technical advantages of BWT bestdrink PREMIUM at a glance

  • Integrated high-performance prefiltration of solids
  • High filter capacity
  • High-quality activated carbon
  • Activated carbon polypropylene fleece for consistently crystal-clear water
  • Reduces the heavy metal content
  • Quick and easy filter replacement
  • Can be installed vertically or horizontally

Technical details

BWT besttaste type 10 15 20
Filter head besthead FLEX besthead FLEX besthead FLEX
Typical capacity in litres 10 000 40 000 60 000
Particle filtration in μm 1 1 1
Connection thread (in/out), (1)
variable variable variable
Inlet pressure,
min. – max. in bar
2-8 2-8 2-8
Water temperature,
min. – max. in °C
4-30 4-30 4-30
Ambient temperature,
min. – max. in °C
4-40 4-40 4-40
Total height without bracket (A) in mm, approx. 287 368 403
Total height with bracket (B) in mm, approx. 305 386 421
Connection height (C) in mm 226 307 342
Distance to floor (D) in mm 65 65 65
Installation length (E) in mm 130 130 130
Ø filter cartridge (F) in mm 88 88 105
Weight in kg, approx. (dry/wet) 0.5/1.1 0.6/1.5 0.86/1.8



BWT besttaste EN data sheet

BWT besthead FLEX data sheet

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